Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Minibeast hunting at Lytham Hall Park

Today we went to the park to find some minibeasts.
When we arrived Julie from the park talked through some rules for us to remember while we were there. 

We had to watch out for nettles, so Julie showed us what they looked like.
We then walked through the woods to get to the story telling area.
Julie then showed us a minibeast story book and talked about the different minibeasts we might find during our hunt.
We were shown our "hunting kits" which consisted of a white tray, spoons, pots and a sheet with lots of minibeasts on so we could identify what we had caught.
It was time to start the hunt!
We then moved over to some long grass to see what we could find.
We found lots of minibeasts:
Warrior ladybird, 18/22 spot ladybirds, centipede, fly, worms, slugs, a green beetle, a brown beetle, wood louse and ants. We went back to the Eco pod to have a closer look at them.

 Julie then talked about the kitchen garden they have at the park. They grow vegetables and use them in the cafe.
The lemon balm leaves were extremely popular!
After the kitchen garden we went back to the story telling area and used clay to make minibeast models.
It was finally picnic time!
There was just enough time for a play on the park and a quick story before heading back to school.

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