Saturday, 29 November 2014

Bye bye pumpkin...

On Friday it was time for our Autumn table to be changed. Mrs Curran cut the top off our pumpkin and the children used pegs to pick the seeds out. We are hoping to plant the seeds in our garden but need to do some research on when is the best time to grow them first. 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Funky fingers this week...

This weeks challenge is to roll the colour dice and find the correct coloured matchstick using the tweezers.

Superhero fever!

The children have been getting creative making their own superhero masks to use in our superhero den. They have a phone line where they can pretend people are in trouble, don a superhero outfit and go out and rescue them. The children can also write the missions in our themed notepads with special smelly pens. It has been a very busy area of our classroom this week!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Funky Fingers...

A simple, but new activity was on the funky fingers table today.

 The children had to put cheerios onto a skewer stick.

Cocktail sticks in the classroom...

We were using cocktail sticks to prick the outline of our superhero pictures yesterday. This is another fine motor activity to build strength for writing. The children loved it because it was something different.

A visitor in RRH...

We had a visit from a nurse on Tuesday. She was telling us all how germs spread and how important it is to wash your hands properly.
She started by asking the children what they already knew about germs, we established that we can't see them. Donna, the nurse, read a story about a Princess who refused to wash her hands.the story told the children the different times they need to wash their hands, before eating, after the toilet, after playing outside etc.

 The nurse told the children that germs are everywhere, and how easily they spread. She brought with her a bag of glitter and asked for two volunteers to "spread the germs!" 
The children had to shake hands with everyone in the class to show how easily it spread. The glitter got everywhere, even on our shoes and trousers/skirts. 
Donna then talked about sneezing and how that spreads germs. She used a water spray to pretend to sneeze on the children, they thought it was hilarious. 
The second time she did it she covered her mouth (and the spray) so the children didn't get wet. Then discussed the importance of putting your hand over your mouth when coughing or sneezing. 
Lastly Donna showed the children how to wash their hands thoroughly. She sang happy birthday twice through while doing it. The children copied her.